Project Mess is a rock ‘n’ roll band from Southern New Hampshire , since 1992.
The bands Name derives from the original drummer Chris Messier (MESS) who passed of a heart attack at a show in 2005. He lives on through us, his friends & brothers in rock..
Our general performance area is Southern New Hampshire & North of Boston
During the summer of Covid 2020, Dave & Phil gave free acoustic concerts outdoors to anyone that walked by.
The band consists 7 members in order of start date , (5 active)
- Chris Messier Drums & Vocals (His beat goes on)
- Dave Dillavou on Bass Guitar & Vocals
- Greg Thomas on Guitar & Vocals ( His beat goes on)
- Phil Plant on Guitar & Lead Vocals
- Jessy Carrier Drums
- Jeff Rossignol Guitar & Vocals
- Nick Ordzie Lead Vocals & Frontman
- Bobby Brown Sound Technician
- Back-Up Musicians
- Jim Turmel on Drums & Vocals
Most band members each have over 43 years experience in music and live performance and we want to bring this to your stage!
Our song selection varies from the late 60s-through the 21st century.
We try and play music that people know and love from any age group.
Project Mess Band Established 1992 , Line up, per year as follows.
1992 Chris Messier-Jim & Dave Dillavou
1993 Chris Messier-Jim & Dave Dillavou-John Dion
1997 Chris Messier-Jim & Dave Dillavou-Greg Thomas
1999 Chris Messier-Jim & Dave Dillavou-Phil Plant
2003 Chris Messier- Dave Dillavou-Greg Thomas-Phil Plant
2003 Chris Messier- Dave Dillavou-Greg Thomas-Phil Plant-Al Gregory
2004 Chris Messier- Dave Dillavou-Greg Thomas-Phil Plant
- 2005 Chris Messier- Dave Dillavou-Greg Thomas-Phil Plant
2005 Mess-Dave Dillavou-Greg Thomas-Phil Plant-Jesse Carrier
2006 Mess-Dave Dillavou-Greg Thomas-Phil Plant-Jesse Carrier-Ivy
2008 Mess-Dave Dillavou-Greg Thomas-Phil Plant-James Turmel-Ivy
2009-2012 Mess- Dave Dillavou-Greg Thomas-Phil Plant-James Turmel
2012 Mess-Dave Dillavou-Greg Thomas-Phil Plant-James Turmel-Jeff Rossignol
- 2013-2014 Back-up drummer added Dennis Griffen & guitar players Jim Dillavou & Dan McKeon
- 2014-2017 Back-up Drummer & Bass Player Ray Lavigne added
- 2015 Seth Cedars Drummer added to Band
- 2015 Back-up Drummer Jim Turmel added
- 2016 Mess-Dave Dillavou-Greg Thomas-Phil Plant-Jeff Rossignol- Seth Cedars
- 2017 Mess-Dave Dillavou-Greg Thomas-Phil Plant-Jeff Rossignol-Seth Cedars
- 2018 Back-up Guitar Player Phil Hardcastle added
- 2018 Mess-Dave Dillavou-Greg Thomas-Phil Plant-Jeff Rossignol-Seth Cedars
- 2018 Back-up Drummer Chuck Conway added 12/18
- 2019 Mess-Dave Dillavou-Greg Thomas-Phil Plant-Jeff Rossignol-Seth Cedars
- 2019 Lead Singer Carolyn Chojnowski added 4/19-7/19-quit band
- 2020-Jeff Rossignol 1/15/20 quit band -Seth Cedars 2/20/20 quit band
- 2020 Mess-Dave Dillavou-Greg Thomas-Phil Plant ” Acoustic Covid Mess Duo”
- 2021 Mess-Dave Dillavou-Greg Thomas-Phil Plant-Dan McKeon-Jim Turmel-Lindsay Bronk
- 2022 Mess-Dave Dillavou-Greg Thomas-Phil Plant-Lindsay Bronk-Jessy Carrier-Jeff Rossignol
- 2023-5/2024 Mess-Dave Dillavou-Greg Thomas-Phil Plant-Lindsay Bronk-Jessy Carrier-Jeff Rossignol
- 2024 Mess-Dave Dillavou-Greg Thomas-Phil Plant-Jessy Carrier-Jeff Rossignol-Nick Ordzie